I come here today to announce a new metaverse empire, the Hitchhikers of the Galaxy.
This is a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy themed empire and anyone is welcome to join, even if you don't even know what the guide is

. In fact, the only requirement is that you have a sense of humour.

Join our ranks and become part of our community. Over here at the Hitchhikers, your more then "just another member". Join us now and together we shall dominate the metaverse! In those already large empires(Diplomats for example) there is no need for ambition as they are already in a secure position. Help us tear down the very foundations of these unworthy empires. Have your effort count for something and not just one of the many thousands of games in an empire where it shall be overshadowed by its age-long reputation weilding members. Help us dethrone them!
Anyone can join a super-power empire, but it takes a true imperial citizen to forge one. Help us forge this empire, and be that glorious senator!
You don't like the title? I don't either! But we're working on that...
Those top 10 empires have been sitting in those ranks for too long. Much too long... They shall fall and we shall be their successors...
How long have you seen those Diplomats or Kzintis or Hegemony-ions in those top ranks? You can join them but you'll never get the same kind of respect earned as you will helping build your own empire instead of joining a ready made one. Help us build YOUR empire where you can proudly say, "Come hail or high water, we shall not be surpassed"[this part bit too cheesy, me thinks]
For every galaxy you dominate is just another day for the one of the Galactic Civilizations but its the start of a new day for the Hitchhikers of the Galaxy... as the new rising champions for the metaversal throne!
Join here!