Not updated as often as it should, but might be at some point...
Published on October 20, 2006 By Macmatt In Metaverse
I come here today to announce a new metaverse empire, the Hitchhikers of the Galaxy.

This is a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy themed empire and anyone is welcome to join, even if you don't even know what the guide is . In fact, the only requirement is that you have a sense of humour.

Join our ranks and become part of our community. Over here at the Hitchhikers, your more then "just another member". Join us now and together we shall dominate the metaverse! In those already large empires(Diplomats for example) there is no need for ambition as they are already in a secure position. Help us tear down the very foundations of these unworthy empires. Have your effort count for something and not just one of the many thousands of games in an empire where it shall be overshadowed by its age-long reputation weilding members. Help us dethrone them!

Anyone can join a super-power empire, but it takes a true imperial citizen to forge one. Help us forge this empire, and be that glorious senator!

You don't like the title? I don't either! But we're working on that...

Those top 10 empires have been sitting in those ranks for too long. Much too long... They shall fall and we shall be their successors...

How long have you seen those Diplomats or Kzintis or Hegemony-ions in those top ranks? You can join them but you'll never get the same kind of respect earned as you will helping build your own empire instead of joining a ready made one. Help us build YOUR empire where you can proudly say, "Come hail or high water, we shall not be surpassed"[this part bit too cheesy, me thinks]

For every galaxy you dominate is just another day for the one of the Galactic Civilizations but its the start of a new day for the Hitchhikers of the Galaxy... as the new rising champions for the metaversal throne!

Join here!

Comments (Page 8)
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on Jun 01, 2007
Yes, I winessed the birth of the Gerontocracy in the calling all geezer gamers thread. But they are old and will soon tire, needing naps and taking breaks for tea and their favorite television shows. They will forget where they put their towels. However we know where our towels are. We will hitch hike our way to the top, while they stop to complain about their lumbagos, arthritic pain, and kids on their nebulas.

The weakness of age :
on Jun 01, 2007
Yes, I winessed the birth of the Gerontocracy in the calling all geezer gamers thread. But they are old and will soon tire, needing naps and taking breaks for tea and their favorite television shows. They will forget where they put their towels. However we know where our towels are. We will hitch hike our way to the top, while they stop to complain about their lumbagos, arthritic pain, and kids on their nebulas.

What? I need a nap not naps  
on Jun 05, 2007
We are definately moving on up the ranks I believe. Heck we just moved from eighth to eighth. YYeeeeeHHHaaaawwww  
on Jun 06, 2007
Eighth to eighth? My, what an achievement .

In unrelated news, we have moved from eighth to seventh on the AltMeta. Well done everyone . Also welcome to Merle and Mondo.

on Jun 06, 2007
OREO: Welcome Merle. Welcome Mondo. Our quartermaster has sent all your supplies and sundries (You know, towels, official neck ties, life time supply of pan galactic gargle blaster mix, uniforms, soap, and all that) to your post office box on Alfa Centaury. I checked and they are currently there. Feel free to pick those things up at your leisure.
Hmm, I wonder why no one else has gotten their things, not even jangerel?
on Jun 06, 2007
Hmm, I wonder why no one else has gotten their things, not even jangerel?

I will as soon as I pick up a passing ship on my Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic, but it's been playing up recently.

All of our members have been made senators, as per our discussions on the private forums at the Core.

on Jun 06, 2007
send spoons, its much easeir to pack and takes up less space.
on Jun 06, 2007
life time supply of pan galactic gargle blaster mix

Can we afford that?

on Jun 07, 2007
oh nice i read the all of the books over about 1 weak it was a great read the movie was great too i think this is a great idea maybe just maybe we can make those damn volgons smarter maybe remove the creature that smacks them in the face every time they think?

im gonna make my own realm of time and space where the only diffrence is this clan is in control of all of the metaverse and has power over the game develupers hehehehe

i love my life thank you for reading my post now run before i shoot you.
on Jun 07, 2007
I decided to join this empire after receiving the following update in the game:

"The Korx are pursuing a cultural and economic strategy. They are currently researching Planetary Bombardment, for instance."

If that isn't a sign to join the Hitchhikers, I don't know what is.
on Jun 08, 2007
Welcome Aqua_Regia, hope you enjoy your stay .

"The Korx are pursuing a cultural and economic strategy. They are currently researching Planetary Bombardment, for instance."

I've had messages like that before .

on Jun 08, 2007
on Jun 09, 2007
I once met an Orca,
just south of Majorca,
with something unique to say:
"Lean out of the boat,
hook bait for fish throat,
before you go on your way.
If you see a dark shadow,
a torpedo come shallow...
just reflections of light, do stay."

Now, I have to go read that book. I started once but never finished it! I luv yur theme tho.
on Jun 09, 2007
Thanks, hope you like the book
on Jun 16, 2007
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer.

I am finally out of school and itching to start more wars in the name of our Empire.
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