Not updated as often as it should, but might be at some point...
Published on October 20, 2006 By Macmatt In Metaverse
I come here today to announce a new metaverse empire, the Hitchhikers of the Galaxy.

This is a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy themed empire and anyone is welcome to join, even if you don't even know what the guide is . In fact, the only requirement is that you have a sense of humour.

Join our ranks and become part of our community. Over here at the Hitchhikers, your more then "just another member". Join us now and together we shall dominate the metaverse! In those already large empires(Diplomats for example) there is no need for ambition as they are already in a secure position. Help us tear down the very foundations of these unworthy empires. Have your effort count for something and not just one of the many thousands of games in an empire where it shall be overshadowed by its age-long reputation weilding members. Help us dethrone them!

Anyone can join a super-power empire, but it takes a true imperial citizen to forge one. Help us forge this empire, and be that glorious senator!

You don't like the title? I don't either! But we're working on that...

Those top 10 empires have been sitting in those ranks for too long. Much too long... They shall fall and we shall be their successors...

How long have you seen those Diplomats or Kzintis or Hegemony-ions in those top ranks? You can join them but you'll never get the same kind of respect earned as you will helping build your own empire instead of joining a ready made one. Help us build YOUR empire where you can proudly say, "Come hail or high water, we shall not be surpassed"[this part bit too cheesy, me thinks]

For every galaxy you dominate is just another day for the one of the Galactic Civilizations but its the start of a new day for the Hitchhikers of the Galaxy... as the new rising champions for the metaversal throne!

Join here!

Comments (Page 6)
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on May 21, 2007
dorth vader can kick anybodys ass including spiderman and superman period.

Very true
on May 22, 2007
Oreans use towels that match their fur. As far as their fighting style, it's like armed Kung fu. Have you seen that Monty Python movie with the rabbit? Like that.
on May 22, 2007
Monty Python movie with the rabbit

Holy Grail? Is that the movie yer talking about? Love that one
on May 22, 2007
Lol, the True Path of Hitchhiking is long and tortuous, but it might yet draw me in... Five books you say, mmmmm. Is it the sort that you wish that the finishes but at the same time wish it never does, if you get what I mean??

Five books yeah, but they are pretty short and easy reading. Also yes, it's the type where you just keep wanting more. Also, the series, the books, the movies - they are all a bit different but it's okay as Douglas Adams himself said, they really all don't need to be in agreement. Come to think of it, it's kinda like God's final message to creation. If you don't know what that is, you just might have to travel to the planet Preliumtarn to find out.
on May 22, 2007
Could you hook me up to the private forums on the core?

As far as their fighting style, it's like armed Kung fu

Boy, they must be real wimps. However, I always wanted to see a gerbal slapping someone's behind with a towel all "kung-fu style".

on May 22, 2007
Could you hook me up to the private forums on the core?

PM Drengin or Tech about it, I am sure they will grant you access.

If your not in the mood I would be willing to do it for you.

on May 23, 2007
PM Drengin or Tech about it, I am sure they will grant you access.

If your not in the mood I would be willing to do it for you.

It's not that I am not in the mood, its just that I don't know how.
What's a PM?(post message?)
I just registered in the core a few days ago.
on May 23, 2007
Holy Grail

That's the one. I wear adult diapers when I watch that one. The very beginning really sets the mood and tone for the rest of the film.

Boy, they must be real wimps

Oreo found your lack of faith disturbing. (choking sounds and a tremor is heard).
That's enough! Oreo release him!
"As you wish," Oreo let's go of TP Scot's tie and hops off his lap.

Quite the contrary, they are very tough and frightening (refer to avatar image) with sharp teeth, and...and claws. Their battle cry curdles the blood *squeak, squeak*. They relish Vogon poetry. They give their enemies neckties! Haven't seen the rabbit scene in the Holy Grail? Just imagine if the rabbit had Bruce Lee's finese.

The mere sight of an Orean legion makes Torians return to Drengin slavery, Altarians end their resistance, Drengin clutch at their mother's (proper name for Drengin equivalent of mamary glands) like (proper name for baby Drengin), Arceans take up fashion design, Krynn do investigative reporting, Korx buy back their grandmothers for twice what they sold them (with interest), the Terrans collectively agree on one thing, and the Yor wish they were real boys. (I ran out of material for the Drath, the Iconians, and the Thalans, now would be a good time to contribute).
on May 23, 2007
PM Drengin or Tech about it, I am sure they will grant you access.

If your not in the mood I would be willing to do it for you.

I should be able to, but with the new Invision system I don't know how .

on May 23, 2007
The mere sight of an Orean legion makes Torians return to Drengin slavery, Altarians end their resistance, Drengin clutch at their mother's (proper name for Drengin equivalent of mamary glands) like (proper name for baby Drengin), Arceans take up fashion design, Krynn do investigative reporting, Korx buy back their grandmothers for twice what they sold them (with interest), the Terrans collectively agree on one thing, and the Yor wish they were real boys. (I ran out of material for the Drath, the Iconians, and the Thalans, now would be a good time to contribute).

Make the Drath want to manipulate them, makes the Iconians there were still Precursors around to protect them, and makes the Thalan wish they were back in their original time period.

There I contributed
on May 24, 2007
makes the Iconians there were still Precursors around to protect them, and makes the Thalan wish they were back in their original time period.

Good I like those, the Drath one needs a little work. Manipulating is what they want to do anyway.

Look everyone I posted my very first Metaverse victory! Pan galatic gargle blaster all around (Oreo pours it in glasses for all). Cheers! Delicious, just like Zaphod's. I was an evil cakewalk, now I am a very good normal ensign. I already knew I was very good. Some have debated my normality, but I'll accept that label. Ensign? What's that? Let me pull out my english language dictionary (oops that's the thesaurus, here it is). Looking for ensign..."Ensign - from the french word enseigne, (which means to show), A flag that is flown as by a ship as the symbol of nationality." I don't get it. First I was an evil cakewalk, now I'm a national flag on a ship? Did some hooligans sabotage the ranking system? Why can't I be leuftennant or lieutenant or alferez? Why do they want to stick me on a pole? I'd even settle for training wheels!
on May 24, 2007
You know Jangeral, you should write an AAR.

You know what would make this post more then a recruitment board:
If it were more then a recruitment board.

The High command hugemony has made their thread more then a recruitement board by making it a High Command Hugemony bulleton board too.

I'll demonstrate:

The HitchHiker Empire has recently surpassed the Stardockian Empire with upto 214,000 points thanks to the recent effort by the oreans and Jangarel. Another 14,000 and we will de-throne The Jedi Republic and break into 15th place. WE CURRENTLY HOLD 16th PLACE IN THE GalCivII Metaverse.

Imperial Advice to its subjects for the prosperity of the glorius Hitchhiker Empire:
Play a gigantic galaxy game.

In other news The High Command Hugemony Currently holds FOUR times our score.
Really good name suggestions from The HH empire are: The Tyranan(not terran) Alliance Empire.

I'll leave the AltMeta reports to our glorius Macmatt. Well, back to my game.

on May 24, 2007
Well, this is kinda a general chat thread as well but I'll give the whole bulletin thing a shot.

We remain in 9th place on the AltMeta and shall hopefully soon overtake the Browncoats, breaking into the 300,000+ area. Robomancer is also #7 in the Civil Solar class.

On the official meta we are 16th, 14,000 points behind the Jedi Republic, who we are 42,000 points ahead of in the AltMeta.

I would also like to welcome earthfaze to our empire.

On another note, I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail: one of the best films of all time .

on May 24, 2007
Any chance I'll ever get to see what the private forums over at the core look like?

I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail: one of the best films of all time

I never saw that movie. Never heard of it either.
on May 24, 2007
Any chance I'll ever get to see what the private forums over at the core look like?

What username did you register as? I can't seem to find 'TP Scot' in the userlist.

I never saw that movie. Never heard of it either.

Blasphemy! He's a witch! Burn him!

Sorry, got a bit carried away there . But seriously, go watch it!

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