This mod replaces econ bases with a new type of starbase, artificial planets! Unfortunately they function like starbases, not planets, but that can't be helped. In addition, starbases and the constructor module planets now have to be researched. In the TA version artificial planets appear much later, at the same time as Terror Stars.
This mod is for DL, DA and TA and can be found in the I-Mod Downloads section.
As of the update the DA and TA versions of the mod are compatible with the Mod Metaverse.
See here for a guide to uploading your scores.
Version 0.5 fixes a major bug that was reported.
Version 0.6 adds DA compatibility and more interesting module names.
Version 0.7 fixes more bugs and adds a new planet model from Stefan.
Version 0.8 adds TA compatibility.
Version 0.81 adds compatibility for the Mod Metaverse.
And here's a screenshot:

If you wish to use the artificial planets in your mod, feel free, but please credit my work