It would be nice if someone explained what, exactly, all of the various fields and things in the FlavorText.xml do. I have no idea what I am doing wrong that causes the game to crash!
Here is a sample of what I'm doing at the moment, if it helps:
<Dialogue> <Speaker Name="Nolor">0</Speaker> <Listener Name="Generic">10</Listener> <Phrase Morality="1"> <Text>The New Vangaurd#Our journey of one thousand years is over. Although by now the great [ShortEmpireName] civilization is likely little more than a memory adrift in a corrupted galaxy, our people live on in this new colony as the [EmpireName]. Still, we must be wary: the so-called "Milky Way" is inhabited by numerous other species, not all of whom are friendly. Still, if we are met with aggression, so be it. The [ShortEmpireName] have survived the collaps of an entire galaxy. We will surely be able to endure the ravages of war!.</Text> </Phrase> </Dialogue>
And yes, I did change the DialogueTag in RaceConfig to "Nolor"
Generally as for flavortext.xml and gc2_conversations.xml... this is the xml schema(no records in it) for them...
MaxNumRacesInFile -- I think it defines the max limit for races w thin the file, 12 majorraces + generic + dreadlords(?) + pirates(?) , I have not tried to increase the value, it might not work anyway...
Topic name="xxx" -- its quite obvious, for what it is for, one record in the topic table(with FK topics)
Dialogue -- one record in dialog table(with FK topic)
Speaker name="xxx" -- who is speaking, I do not know for what the content integer values are for, but I guesss they are RaceIDs
Listener name="xxx" -- who is listening, same for int value here...
Phrase morality="0" -- the dialogtext for being good
Phrase morality="1" -- the dialogtext for being neutral
Phrase morality="2" -- the dialogtext for being evil
That's it
Maybe Kryo can further specifiy the maxnumraces and the content values for speaker and listener?
He might even ask the devs, if he doesn't know? ^^
It'd be nice to know especially about the speaker/listener content value, since I'd know what the dropdownbox in my conversationseditor was showing
PS: did you mod the terrans appropiatly in raceconfig? This could be the crash, since your entry still references the terrans, I think ... you just changed the dialoguetag. You need to create a nolor race or mod the terrans or any other race
Yes, the Nolor are their own race... I really would like to see those content values!
So whats the raceid for nolor?
tray to set it like this
Does it work?
When I do it with just the Nolor, it works. I am going to test it with all of the others, and see if I can narrow down the glitch area. I think the problem might be when I try to add in competely new paragraphs for the Vhozon Orthodoxy and Urtagan Disciples (aka. the krynn and korath), which use the generic paragraph in the regular game.
UPDATE: Ok, this is WIERD: when I try it with the Fereration (raceid=1), I get one of the "man on street" polls complaining that the citizens don't like the UP headquarters! Go figure! continuing tests... Oh, here's the XML, if anyone sees something I don't:
<Dialogue> <Speaker Name="Human">1</Speaker> <Listener Name="Generic">10</Listener> <Phrase Morality="1"> <Text>Federation#The human race has had a long history of space travel, from the earliest Russian cosmonauts to our communication with the Vhozon a mere 10 years ago. However, until now we have remained alone in our exploration, unwilling to truly reach out to any alien race, or indeed our own people who happen to live in another nation. Today, we hope to change this: [LeaderName] has just signed a charter declaring the dissolution of all national borders and the founding of a Galactic Fereation open to all species and all societies. It will take time and effort to convince the other civilizations of the galaxy to join our cause, but they WILL come to us in the end!Hail to [LeaderName]!</Text> </Phrase> </Dialogue>
UPDATE 2: I tried changing the dialogue tag to a random phrase (joetheplumber) to see if this is caused by a conflict with a pre-existing tag. That just crashes the game upon loading.
I have tried making mods but I can't use them could someone please help me?
I have the Ultimate Edition and the tutorial dosen't work for me. I need really detailed descriptions because I'm really new to this stuff and I really don't know that much.
Which tutorial? What is it you are trying to do exactly?
The setting up the mod tutorial. I have made my own mods but I can't use them.
What exactly is the problem? Have you put your mods in the right folder, got a ModDescription.xml, selected the mod in the options screen and then started a new game?
The problem is that I set up a folder yet that folder dosen't apear in the mod selection screen.
It looks like the old not text in the mod selection box bug. Just click around inside the mod selection box and the descriptions for the mod you've selected should appear on the right side.
does anyone know how to change a video file into BIK file
use RAD tools