Not updated as often as it should, but might be at some point...
Published on April 25, 2007 By Macmatt In Modding
I have here all the GC2 modding tutorials I could find. Enjoy!


The official modding guide [DL]


How to: Set up a mod in the mod folder [DL/DA]

How To: Change Or Add A Planetary Tile [DL/DA]

How to: Create a race-specific tech tree [DL/DA]

How to: Add a major race [DL]

How to: Add a new Planetary Improvement [DL/DA]

How to: Add a new invasion tactic [DL/DA]

How to: Convert and Handle Shipmodels with 3ds Max [DL/DA]

How to edit the UI [DL/DA]


XML reference: RaceConfig.xml [DA]

XML Reference: AsteroidFieldMiningBaseModules.xml [DA]

XML reference: Anomalies.xml [DL/DA]

XML reference: AbilityBonuses.xml [DA/DL]

Happy modding!
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 13, 2010

How come theres nowt for TA?

on Jan 18, 2010

Click around the inside of the mod section?  I have had the same problem.  I download mods, but they don't appear in the folder.  Not sure if I downloaded it in the right place or not.  So do I drag inside this box to find the mods that I downloaded?  And what about the message next to it saying that there are no mods in the mod folder?  This is pretty frustrating.  

on Jul 05, 2010

I want to design new hulls for human but i dont know how to do it,can any body help me do it.

on Jul 07, 2010

Warning: 3-D modeling is HARD! However, if you know how to make models with "dummies" on them (which I have no idea how to do), you can export them to .x format and replace the actual human hulls with them.

on Sep 20, 2010

you forgot the ultimate twilight of the arnor edition

on Jun 06, 2012

I dont understand the creating a mod folder I have the ultimate edition and i see two things the default choice or the example I tried putting the mods from this site like ships and superheroes etc but the done button never comes up its not a choice basically. I am unsure if I have the right folder or whatever please help

on Jun 07, 2012

If you're unable to get your mod selection screen to do anything, try installing this.

on Jul 09, 2012

Ok one TBS modder doesnt seem to exist as far as the internet is concerned, but nvm that. The prob I'm really having is that theres no tutorial to mod in starbase components, I'm not looking to make ships dock there (nice as that would be, more experienced modders cant figure it out so **** that) but I WOULD like to make some new modules with different effects. I have seen others have success with this and I would like to try it myself but I have no idea where to look now. Anybody help me out?

on Sep 12, 2012

Hi, I simply want to add some more lights, in different colors. I created already the related PNG files, but

- what program is used to edit the S99_112 to S99_114 files (GC2U Folder/GFX/Models),

- and how to make then the game knowing about the newly added S99_ files?


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