Not updated as often as it should, but might be at some point...
Published on April 25, 2007 By Macmatt In Modding
I have here all the GC2 modding tutorials I could find. Enjoy!


The official modding guide [DL]


How to: Set up a mod in the mod folder [DL/DA]

How To: Change Or Add A Planetary Tile [DL/DA]

How to: Create a race-specific tech tree [DL/DA]

How to: Add a major race [DL]

How to: Add a new Planetary Improvement [DL/DA]

How to: Add a new invasion tactic [DL/DA]

How to: Convert and Handle Shipmodels with 3ds Max [DL/DA]

How to edit the UI [DL/DA]


XML reference: RaceConfig.xml [DA]

XML Reference: AsteroidFieldMiningBaseModules.xml [DA]

XML reference: Anomalies.xml [DL/DA]

XML reference: AbilityBonuses.xml [DA/DL]

Happy modding!
Comments (Page 1)
3 Pages1 2 3 
on May 06, 2007
on May 07, 2007
Are there any tutorials for mapmaking? If there aren't, I'm going to make one. I just taught myself within a few hours.
on May 07, 2007
I don't believe there is. If you do write one, it would be nice if you join TBS Modder and post it in our Tutorials forum.

on May 07, 2007
Okay. I'm gonna finish the map I'm working on, first, to make sure I've got it down.
on Jun 19, 2007

This tutorial link in the above list needs some work: "How to: Add a major race in DL"

First, I had to register in order to view the forum at all (or so it seemed, since I got a login request instead of seeing threads), which is always annoying. After I registered and activated my account, I clicked the link again, and got this message: "Sorry, only moderators are allowed to view this forum."

So... like I say, it's kinda broken.
on Jun 19, 2007
All links have now been fixed. Sorry about that, it was a problem with TBS Modder (my site). You shouldn't have had to register, but thanks for the heads up .
on Jul 28, 2007
Hello everyone. The links up there don't work for me, and if they don't for you, replace the with It works great then! 
on Jul 29, 2007
Ah yes, sorry about that. The links are now fixed (again).

My banner
on Oct 24, 2007
The list has been redone to include a couple new tutorials and to categorize the existing ones.
on Dec 16, 2007
The site in question has a few technical issues at the moment. It's probably best to access the tutorials through the homepage.
on Mar 22, 2008
Hay,anyone tried enabling ships docking on starebases and resorce bases yet that would sure be usefall against all races gainging up on ya,Im'gonna try.
on Mar 23, 2008
i've tried. that was one of the first things i did when starting on "The Bringers of Light!" it doesn't really work.

on Mar 23, 2008
This is a great resource thread. It should be stickied.
on Aug 03, 2008
I need help installing mods. I'm not sure if they're mods, but they're the Star Trek ship packs i got off the Galactic Library. It comes without a read me and just a whole bunch of folders. And the tutorials above doesn't work, even the homepage. Please help
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